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TeamViewer ipad��

TeamViewer ipad��




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v15.45.1* Minor fixes and Improvements.
v15.42.1* Minor fixes and Improvements.
v15.41.1* Minor fixes and Improvements.
v15.40.1* Minor fixes and Improvements.
v15.39.1* Minor fixes and Improvements.
v15.38.1* Minor fixes and Improvements.
v15.37.1* Minor fixes and Improvements.
v15.36.1* The app now loads the Computers & Contacts List faster.
* Minor fixes and Improvements.
v15.35.1* You can now add a trusted device more easily using your mobile phone.
* The app now loads the Computers & Contacts List faster.
* Added zoom gestures for mobile to mobile connections.
v15.34.1* Fixed a bug that caused an unwanted refresh while browsing a Computers & Contacts List with a large number of entries.
* Minor fixes and improvements.
v15.33.1* Fixed a bug which caused TeamViewer to crash when the app is closed in flight mode.
* Minor fixes and Improvements.
v15.32.1* The nearby devices feature can now use Bluetooth to detect other mobile devices running QuickSupport.
* Fixed a bug which caused the app to crash when it was running in the background.
* Fixed a bug which sometimes prevented the in-app purchase license from activating.
v15.31.1* Pending in-app purchases are now visible in the app.
* Fixed a bug which prevented connecting to devices in eco mode.
* Minor fixes and improvements
v15.30.1* Minor fixes and improvements
v15.29.1* You can now view your Computers & Contacts list even when your device is offline.
* Minor fixes and security enhancements.
v15.28.2* Fixed an issue that caused the screen sharing to freeze when playing video streams on a desktop
v15.28.1* The Nearby Devices feature is now available on the Computers & Contacts tab
* The Nearby Devices feature now displays mobile devices
* Minor fixes and improvement
v15.27.1* New feature added: "Find nearby devices" lets users search for other active TeamViewer devices that exist in the same local network and easily connect to them.
* Solved an issue which prevented the tab keys to be transmitted using a physical keyboard
* Minor fixes and improvement
v15.26.1* Added support for trackpad gestures
* Solved an issue which prevented the use of arrow keys on external keyboards
* Minor fixes and improvements
v15.25.1* Users are now able to Sign in or Sign up through our refreshed Settings Tab!
* Solved an issue while typing with non-ascii characters
* Fixed a bug that prevented the "Resend Email" button from appearing on the account activation dialog.
* Minor fixes and improvements
v15.24.1* Solved an issue which prevented the usage of external keyboards
* Minor fixes and improvements
v15.23.1* Introducing new gestures modes for all devices: it is now possible to use touch interaction while controlling a desktop device.
* Added most common keyboard shortcuts while connecting to any desktop device to make your interaction even faster
* Further fixes and improvement
v15.22* Improved compatibility with iOS 15
* Minor fixes and improvements



TeamViewer iPhone�����ͣ�iPhone�������

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TeamViewer ipad�����ͣ�iPad�������

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TeamViewer ipad�� V10.0.43659Զ�̿��ƣ�Store��