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focus by firefox app

focus by firefox app




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����focus by firefox app�ǻ���Ƴ���һ��������App��focus by firefox app�����ι�棬������Ҫ���������θ��ٳ�����������iOS 9���õ��������ι��ܣ��û�����֮����Ҫ����һЩ���ü���ù��ܡ�

focus by firefox app


����Mozilla�������� iOS 9 ������������Focus By Firefox���������ι�棬������Ҫ���������θ��ٳ�����������iOS 9���õ��������ι��ܣ��û�����֮����Ҫ����һЩ���ü���ù��ܡ�Focusֻ�ܹ�����Safari������ϡ�Mozilla�ƣ�ԭ����ƻ��û����iOS �ϵĵ���������������������ι��ܡ�����Դ���뷢����GitHub�ϡ�

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focus by firefox����



v117.0Bug fixes and technical improvements.
v115.0Bug fixes and technical improvements.
v114.0Bug fixes and technical improvements.
v113.0Bug fixes and technical improvements.
v112.0Bug fixes and technical improvements.
v111.1Bug fixes and technical improvements.
v111.0Bug fixes and technical improvements.
v110.0Bug fixes and technical improvements.
v109.0* New: Pull to refresh web pages is now supported.
* Fixed iPad on hover button effects.
* Fixed an issue causing Focus to crash after minimizing several times.
v108.1Bug fixes and technical improvements.
v108.0Various bug fixes.
v107.1Bug fixes and technical improvements.
v107.0Bug fixes and technical improvements.
v106.0* Focus users can now add a search widget to their home screen for fast one off searches
* New user onboarding has been redesigned to help users discover the search widget and set Focus as their default browser
v105.0- Removed gift button from from settings page and introduced a new Setting entry to access the latest release notes
- A message now confirms shortcut addition or deletion
v104.0-Users can now access browser default settings from the settings menu
-Homescreen shortcuts now include favicons
-On application update, the hamburger menu notification dot won��t appear anymore
-The display being kept on when media is paused/stopped is fixed
v103.0Fixed an issue where the tracker count was reporting 0 trackers blocked despite tracker blocking working correctly.
v102.00Bug fixes
v100.0Bug fixes
v99.0bug fixes
v98.1Bug fixes and technical improvements.
v98.0Bug fixes and technical improvements.
v97.0This update of Focus includes bug fixes and technical improvements.
v96.0This update of Focus includes bug fixes and technical improvements. The application menu has been moved to the top toolbar for easier access.
v40.0Bug fixes and technical improvements.
v39.0Introducing our latest release of Firefox Focus. This version introduces a dark and light theme. You can pick your favorite theme from the settings or automatically follow the device theme.
v38.1Introducing our latest release of Firefox Focus. This browser version is redesigned to be faster, easy to use, customizable and private.

- New minimal, distraction-free design
- Pin up to four shortcuts on your home screen. Get to your favorite site even quicker without typing anything.
- Super quick browsing with ad blocking and tracking protection
v38.0Introducing our latest release of Firefox Focus. This browser version is redesigned to be faster, easy to use, customizable and private.

- New minimal, distraction-free design
- Pin up to four shortcuts on your home screen. Get to your favorite site even quicker without typing anything.
- Super quick browsing with ad blocking and tracking protection
v37.0Bug fixes and technical improvements.

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    focus by firefox app���ͣ�iPhone�������

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    ��������������app�ĸ����� �ֻ������������ĸ���������2--��һ���Ĺ����������2004 ���ѱر����֮-�������ƪ΢�����WinXP SP2 ���Լ��������ع���slide to unlock��Ϸ������ slide to unlock��Ӣ������TOC5�һ����Ԥ�� 2023���ƶ�֮��T̹������Plus������������Щ ̹������Plus����vivoxfold2������ֱ�����Ŀ� vivo x fold2����vivoxfold2ʲôʱ�� vivoxfold2������Ϣscum������ôС�� scum�ĸ�����С��




    focus by firefox app v8.1.4