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�ȼ������ͣ�iPhone����������£�2023/10/31 18:23��С��68.4M�汾��v3.1.4���ԣ������������������ߣ�Clockology, LLCApple Watch����











�������E1. ���b Clockology

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�������E3. Apple Watch ���� Clockology

������ iPhone�豸�ϰ�װ��� Clockology ��App ���Զ���װ�� Apple Watch �ڣ��Ϳ���͸�� Apple Watch �Ȱ����Ҳ��ڣ������ App ѡ�����ҵ� Clockology ���������͸��������׶����һ������л�Ԥ�費ͬ������

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������ Mediafire �����˵��͸�� Safari ����������ַ����� Downlod ��ť��ѡ�����ء���










v2.3.8- added support for animated thumbnails in the home view
- home view loads much faster
v2.3.7- performance and bug fixes
v2.3.6- new animating slideshows for fullScreen mode
- bug fix for tapping into fullscreen from quicklook popups
- added a few more human figure icons
v2.3.5- weather type image strip added: new for iOS16 subscribers. Create and show images that change depending on the weather
- recently imported designs show on home view. Long press to delete an item or edit in your iCloud folders under /Clockology/Recents
- can now lock designs from swipe navigation
- performance and bug fixes
v2.3.4- bug fix for custom fonts
- bug fix for large file sizes when exporting
- performance fixes
v2.3.3-performance and bug fixes
v2.3.2Subscribers can now group layers and even set colors for the headings. Try it out with the "New Group" button in the editor.
- fixed a bug with future weather predictions
- fixed bug with shadows and other items getting clipped on the sides
- moon phase icons now show correct thickness
- fixed a bug causing image layers with no assigned image to crash
- other performance and bug fixes
v2.3.1- can load Portraits style .face files ( from the Clockology faces app )
- can now delete the in progress design
- can now assign layer names
- bug fix for layer shadow colors
- bug fix for Apple Weather: rain chance
- Apple Weather: rain amount measurement unit and formatting fixed up and uses the detail level choice
v2.3.0- minute hand animation type "smooth" added - minute hand moves 1/60 with seconds
- time zone setting for time and hand layers to set the time zone offsets for "world clock" designs
v2.2.8- integrated Apple weatherKit for more accurate local weather ( requires iOS 16.0 or above )
v2.2.6- quick look view takes up less of the screen on newer devices
- sharing and exporting fixes for iOS16
- data layers can restrict the overall angle of a ring to use as a meter / dial
- performance and bug fixes
v2.2.3- all new subscription option for a subscribing to Clockology+ and Faces+
- performance and bug fixes
v2.1.2- localizations add to watch extension
- new onboarding tips added
- performance and bug fixes
v2.1.0- added complication shortcut back
- app natively loads .face files from Faces app
- bug fix: weather updates throughout the day
- fixed layout for series 3
- removed the enable feature
v1.4.6- updated French Localizations
- updated Chinese Traditional localizations
- updated Chinese Simplified localizations
- weather layer: add UVI index
- weather layer: add wind speed
- hand layers: tint option for gallery types instead of always tinting
- battery labels are affected by time travel
- time layers: add in detail levels for 08-hour to allow for single digits
- image strip layer: add 12 and 24 hour units

Bug Fixes:
- fixed bug with P3 color selections showing up empty
- textField allows for autoCorrection and swipe entry
- bugfix - weather layer: temperatures will show negative now
- importing files from other sources is more reliable now
- health permissions will ask again from the settings/permissions view
- too many more to mention





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    Clockology���� v1.3.1