- �������63.4M
- �������ڣ�2018/5/30
- ������ԣ�����
- �������������
- �����Ȩ��������
- ���������https://www.google.cn/intl/zh-CN/chrome/
- ����ƽ̨��WinAll
- ������̣��ȸ�
Chrome(�ȸ������)64λ95.1M / �������
�ȸ������Mac��218KB / �����
�ȸ������(Chrome)196.3M / ����ͨѶ
�ȸ������app17M / iPhone�������
Chrome�����������76.0M / �������
�ȸ������(Google Chrome)105.6M / �������
�ȸ������49�ȶ���42.9M / �������
�ȸ������(Google Chrome 39�汾)68.2M / �������
�ȸ������(Chrome 24.9�汾)42.9M / �������
�ȸ������(Chrome 65��)72.9M / �������
�ȸ������(Chrome 63��)50M / �������
�ȸ������(Chrome 60��)38.1M / �������
- 360����� v15.1.1265.64�ٷ����°�140.8Mv15.1.1265.64�ٷ����°��鿴
- �Ƶ������� v1.0.0.1�ٷ���88.5Mv1.0.0.1�ٷ����鿴
- �ȸ������(Chrome 55��) v107.0.5304.122�ٷ���ʽ��95.1Mv107.0.5304.122�ٷ���ʽ���鿴
- Chrome(�ȸ������)64λ v107.0.5304.122�ٷ���ʽ��95.1Mv107.0.5304.122�ٷ���ʽ���鿴
- Firefox(��������) v99.0b8�ٷ���ʽ��50.9Mv99.0b8�ٷ���ʽ���鿴
�ȸ������chrome 62�������ȸ轫�������ر�עHTTP����Ϊ����ȫ��ֻ�Ƽ�HTTPS��ͬʱ��chrome 62��֧�ָ����OpenType���塢�����ȶ����Լ����ٲ�����ҳ��ý���ļ����Ͽ�����ʹ�ðɣ�
�����ȸ������Chrome Stable�ȶ���ӭ��v62��ʽ���װ淢������ϸ�汾��Ϊv62.0.3202.62����һ����ʽ��v61.0.3163.100������9��22�գ�ʱ��26��Google�ַ������°�Chrome�������������������������35�ȫ�����ȶ��ԸĽ���
����[$7500+$1337][762930] High CVE-2017-5124: UXSS with MHTML. Reported by Anonymous on 2017-09-07
����[$5000][749147] High CVE-2017-5125: Heap overflow in Skia. Reported by Anonymous on 2017-07-26
����[$3000][760455] High CVE-2017-5126: Use after free in PDFium. Reported by Lu?t Nguy?n (@l4wio) of KeenLab, Tencent on 2017-08-30
����[$3000][765384] High CVE-2017-5127: Use after free in PDFium. Reported by Lu?t Nguy?n (@l4wio) of KeenLab, Tencent on 2017-09-14
����[$3000][765469] High CVE-2017-5128: Heap overflow in WebGL. Reported by Omair on 2017-09-14
����[$3000][765495] High CVE-2017-5129: Use after free in WebAudio. Reported by Omair on 2017-09-15
����[$3000][718858] High CVE-2017-5132: Incorrect stack manipulation in WebAssembly. Reported by Gaurav Dewan (@007gauravdewan) of Adobe Systems India Pvt. Ltd. on 2017-05-05
����[$N/A][722079] High CVE-2017-5130: Heap overflow in libxml2. Reported by Pranjal Jumde (@pjumde) on 2017-05-14
����[$5000][744109] Medium CVE-2017-5131: Out of bounds write in Skia. Reported by Anonymous on 2017-07-16
����[$2000][762106] Medium CVE-2017-5133: Out of bounds write in Skia. Reported by Aleksandar Nikolic of Cisco Talos on 2017-09-05
����[$1000][752003] Medium CVE-2017-15386: UI spoofing in Blink. Reported by WenXu Wu of Tencent's Xuanwu Lab on 2017-08-03
����[$1000][756040] Medium CVE-2017-15387: Content security bypass. Reported by Jun Kokatsu (@shhnjk) on 2017-08-16
����[$1000][756563] Medium CVE-2017-15388: Out of bounds read in Skia. Reported by Kushal Arvind Shah of Fortinet's FortiGuard Labs on 2017-08-17
����[$500][739621] Medium CVE-2017-15389: URL spoofing in OmniBox. Reported by xisigr of Tencent's Xuanwu Lab on 2017-07-06
����[$500][750239] Medium CVE-2017-15390: URL spoofing in OmniBox. Reported by Haosheng Wang (@gnehsoah) on 2017-07-28
����[$500][598265] Low CVE-2017-15391: Extension limitation bypass in Extensions. Reported by Jo?o Lucas Melo Brasio (whitehathackers.com.br) on 2016-03-28
����[$N/A][714401] Low CVE-2017-15392: Incorrect registry key handling in PlatformIntegration. Reported by Xiaoyin Liu (@general_nfs) on 2017-04-22
����[$N/A][732751] Low CVE-2017-15393: Referrer leak in Devtools. Reported by Svyat Mitin on 2017-06-13
����[$N/A][745580] Low CVE-2017-15394: URL spoofing in extensions UI. Reported by Sam @sudosammy on 2017-07-18
����[$N/A][759457] Low CVE-2017-15395: Null pointer dereference in ImageCapture. Reported by johberlvi@ on 2017-08-28
����[775550] Various fixes from internal audits, fuzzing and other initiatives
- ���� ���� IOS�� Mac��
/�����ȸ������(Google Chrome)95.1M
/�����ȸ������(Chrome 38��)67.9M
/����Google Chrome 4960.5M
/�����ȸ������(Chrome 60��)38.1M
/�����ȸ������(Google Chrome)105.6M
/�������[����]Google Picasa16.3M
Google Play�̵�54.0M
/�����ȸ跭��(Google Translate)25.2M
/����Google Gmail25.4M
/����Snapseed app80.1M
/����Chrome Remote Desktop iPad��58.3M
/�����ȸ�Backup and Sync Mac��47M
/�������[����]CalendarPro for Google1.5M
/����Google Web Designer Mac��67M
/Ӣ��picasa for mac43.8M
/�������[����]Google Book Downloader for mac947M
/�������[����]Google Drive Mac��244.5M
- �ȸ�����������ô��װ �ȸ�����������װ����
- chrome��ô������� chrome���cookie����ͼ�Ľ̳�
- �����chrome adobe flash player�������°汾���ķ���
- Chrome�������ǩҳ�����ɣ�����Shift��Ctrl��
- Chrome��������ô�� Chrome������������ŵĽ������
- Chrome�����ռ���ڴ������ô�죿һ�н���ȸ�������ڴ�ռ��
- �ȸ��������ʾadobe flash player�ѹ��ڽ���취
- �ȸ���������VR֧�� Chrome����VR����
- �ȸ��������Adobe Flash Player����ڶ����ֹ������������
- �ȸ��������ô����js �ȸ����������javascript�̳�