����λ�ã� ��ҳ�� ���繤���� ��������� �ȸ������(Chrome 60��) v60.0.3112.78�ٷ���ʽ��

�ȸ������(Chrome 60��)



  • �����С��38.1M
  • �������ڣ�2018/5/30
  • ������ԣ�����
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  • ����ƽ̨��WinAll
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�ȸ������(Chrome 60��)










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�����ȸ������Chrome Stable�ȶ���ӭ��v60��ʽ���װ淢������ϸ�汾��Ϊv60.0.3112.78����һ����ʽ��v59.0.3071.115������6��27�գ�ʱ��29��Google�ַ������°�Chrome�������������������������40�ȫ�޸����ȶ��ԸĽ���
����[$10000][728887] High CVE-2017-5091: Use after free in IndexedDB. Reported by Ned Williamson on 2017-06-02
����[$5000][733549] High CVE-2017-5092: Use after free in PPAPI. Reported by Yu Zhou, Yuan Deng of Ant-financial Light-Year Security Lab (���Ͻ����˹���갲ȫʵ����) on 2017-06-15
����[$3000][550017] High CVE-2017-5093: UI spoofing in Blink. Reported by Luan Herrera on 2015-10-31
����[$1000][702946] High CVE-2017-5094: Type confusion in extensions. Reported by Anonymous on 2017-03-19
����[$1000][732661] High CVE-2017-5095: Out-of-bounds write in PDFium. Reported by Anonymous on 2017-06-13
����[$TBD][714442] High CVE-2017-5096: User information leak via Android intents. Reported by Takeshi Terada on 2017-04-23
����[$TBD][740789] High CVE-2017-5097: Out-of-bounds read in Skia. Reported by Anonymous on 2017-07-11
����[$TBD][740803] High CVE-2017-5098: Use after free in V8. Reported by Jihoon Kim on 2017-07-11
����[$N/A][733548] High CVE-2017-5099: Out-of-bounds write in PPAPI. Reported by Yuan Deng, Yu Zhou of Ant-financial Light-Year Security Lab (���Ͻ����˹���갲ȫʵ����) on 2017-06-15
����[$2000][718292] Medium CVE-2017-5100: Use after free in Chrome Apps. Reported by Anonymous on 2017-05-04
����[$1000][681740] Medium CVE-2017-5101: URL spoofing in OmniBox. Reported by Luan Herrera on 2017-01-17
����[$1000][727678] Medium CVE-2017-5102: Uninitialized use in Skia. Reported by Anonymous on 2017-05-30
����[$500][726199] Medium CVE-2017-5103: Uninitialized use in Skia. Reported by Anonymous on 2017-05-25
����[$500][729105] Medium CVE-2017-5104: UI spoofing in browser. Reported by Khalil Zhani on 2017-06-02
����[$N/A][742407] Medium CVE-2017-7000: Pointer disclosure in SQLite. Reported by Chaitin Security Research Lab (@ChaitinTech) working with Trend Micro's Zero Day Initiative
����[$1000][729979] Low CVE-2017-5105: URL spoofing in OmniBox. Reported by Rayyan Bijoora on 2017-06-06
����[$TBD][714628] Medium CVE-2017-5106: URL spoofing in OmniBox. Reported by Jack Zac on 2017-04-24
����[$N/A][686253] Low CVE-2017-5107: User information leak via SVG. Reported by David Kohlbrenner of UC San Diego on 2017-01-27
����[$N/A][695830] Low CVE-2017-5108: Type confusion in PDFium. Reported by Guang Gong of Alpha Team, Qihoo 360 on 2017-02-24
����[$N/A][710400] Low CVE-2017-5109: UI spoofing in browser. Reported by Jos�� Mar��a Acu?a Morgado on 2017-04-11
����[$N/A][717476] Low CVE-2017-5110: UI spoofing in payments dialog. Reported by xisigr of Tencent's Xuanwu Lab on 2017-05-02
����[748565] Various fixes from internal audits, fuzzing and other initiatives





���԰� ��׿�� IOS�� Mac��





�� 3 ¥�й�PC6.COM PC6���� ������: 2018/12/21 16:04:33


�� 2 ¥�㽭��ͨ PC6���� ������: 2015/2/23 9:03:24


�� 1 ¥̨�� ���� ������: 2011/11/18 11:07:47

